18 January, 2011

Carefree/ offensive ?

Stay carefree, but not many can take your snappish jokes. It may seem funny to you, yet offensive to others. New year resolution: Be less uptight, but remain discrete.

02 January, 2011

you have what we call ...

the severe Monday Blues syndrome !!!

1. Begins feeling miserable around 8 pm, Sunday
2. Short-tempered
3. Sensitive
4. Lost of appetite / gluttonous (excessive consumption of food)

1. It's all about the mindset !
-Try to think about work differently. Gain sense of achievement by doing your work well/ effectively/ efficiently.

2. Music !
- These days I find Bruno Mars' Marry You especially uplifting.
- Hillsong does wonders too.

3. Friends !
- Don't have to have lots of them, one will do. Gives you something to look forward to.