06 February, 2010

This was what she had to say about me

There are many things that I disapprove of. One of those is my sister going off to study in Australia. It's just that my parents can't afford it and that it would place a great deal of a financial burden on them.

Anyhow, my Yesman father said yes. The plan was for her to do her final year over at Tasmania. But I have recently come to find out that she now has plans to go over earlier, that is to complete her final two years of degree in Aussieland.

I decided that I would not argue anymore. And so I kept mum about the issue.

Today Dad forwarded me a message that went like this:

'Hey Dad, what we talked about the other day concerning the early transfer thing can u not bring it up during reunion when sis is around. Keep it between us ya. Thanks.'

'Dad, ur going to subject me to HELLISH days at home if we bring it up in the present. She won't understand. Let me figure things out first. I thing it's best that only after everything's confirmed i.e. I can find the most viable option of paying everything then we'll discuss with her.'

I didn't know that I'm capable of subjecting people to hellish days.

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