11 April, 2010

Back to Square One

Can't believe the entire Saturday's gone already. Today, I think I'm falling back to my old melancholic ways again. Dunno le, suddenly I'm feeling kinda miserable. The thought of piling work, upcoming exams, my canceled Bangkok trip and growing old certainly does me no justice.

Cows on the road (Job @ Rawang)

But well, I guess the key to being happy is not about having a perfect, problem-less life but is to be able to move on from setbacks, flaws with a positive attitude. Oh, I'm being all philosophical here.

About my canceled trip, it's because of the political demonstrations in Thailand. How unlucky of me right ? Ah well, let's hope that we'd get refund for it or maybe peace would be restored right before our trip ? Doesn't hurt to have some wishful thinking !


These days I've been feeling incredibly old. I'm 24 already this year, though my birthday is still months away (oh did I mentioned that my birthday's gonna be a public holiday from now on ?), but it's like another year to go and I'm halfway through a decade to the big 3-0.

When I was younger, I used to feel that someone at the age of 24 is like really an adult already, a different level from being a young adult, that they'd have much more matured thinking and well just act like an adult lah. But I'm 24 now, and I still feel very much a teenager.

And responsibilities are creeping in closer, while all I wanna do is just to have fun. I long for my childhood years where I could speak my mind without serious consequences, where I'd have school holidays, where all I had to worry was about studying and passing my exams. I can now finally understand why the adults used to say that studying is much easier than actually working in the society.


Been really mean this week, pondering back: what if it was me ? How would I feel ?

New Resolution:

To hate in silence ! =p

0 footprints: