06 May, 2008

Human Relations

Today the golfer threw her infamous end-of-the-semester tantrum again. I won't go through the details but well it ended with her canceling our revision class, apparently extremely disappointed with us.

Anyway, she said she would be leaving for her office with only those hardworking students, where they would be having a 'private tutor' session.

Yet after making the statement, she did not leave immediately. Instead, she lingered in the classroom for quite some time. And it's not like anyone was saying anything.

I reckon she was waiting for her favorite moment. The 'begging' session.

Well of course she was not disappointed. Heaps of students started apologizing.

It's not the fact that they apologized. It's the way they did it. Total ass-kissers I tell you.

It's so sad that we live in a world that we have to submit to these things so that we wouldn't have to be in a disadvantaged position.

I know I sound like a naive girl, not wanting to accept the reality of the world. But sometimes, the world seems like such a lonely place to live in. It's like no one is completely true to you. Neither can you be, even to the person you care the most.

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