18 January, 2010

Yet Again

I used to think: if only I had worked harder.

I have always believed that my lack of success in academics is solely contributed by my laziness. But recently, I feel like I've proven myself wrong.

I have been working whole-heartedly and dare I say dedicatedly last week but I'm just so goddamned slow. I am starting to think that I lack that bit of intelligence. Now this certainly hurts my self-esteem. It's not that I've been living in my own world thinking I've got brains of Einstein, it's just that I have always regarded myself as being fast-paced, not the brainy type but too bad too.

But events have played recently in a way that makes me feel that I'm 30 seconds slower. In an array of things too, may I say.

Ah well, different people are meant for different things. I hope that in time, I'd discover my destiny and with time and effort, things would improve. I'd first need to learn to see the brighter side of things.

In the meantime, sleep is sorely needed.

3 footprints:

nAoKi said...

what to do?just train urself to work faster loh.

i'm one of the slowest fruit thinner in the orchard i'm working now too,unlike my partner YT.i juz try my best to keep up with his pace lo.

err this is not exactly the same situation u're having but u know wat i mean la hahaha.

Mr. RT said...

I enjoy the setup of your blog... its really unique and has interesting posts

-Mr RT

M00nie said...

mmm ... thanks naoki !

mr rt ! thanks for your compliment ...