31 May, 2008

The thrill

Finally .... FINALLY the exam's over !
And now I have 3 months of holidays.

Perhaps it's the prospect of unlimited time to my dispense that I'm feeling a wee-bit miserable today. It's like I've been reflecting on numerous things of the past and quite suddenly, I feel like a wicked witch.

Anyways, after going to sleep at the earliest bedtime ever (7pm), I could finally began my drama series marathon today. But you know what, the feeling was not as great as I've anticipated it to be.

Somehow, when I had loads of assignments to complete and with exams around the corner, the time which I took off to watch TV seems so much more satisfying, captivating and entertaining.

I guess it's the thrill of doing something you're not supposed to.

Just like when my parents used to stop me from staying late to watch 'Buffy, the vampire slayer' (which I did it anyway), it felt so nice. The thrill of getting into trouble is the word.

Maybe I should try stealing this holidays? Haha ...

0 footprints: