11 January, 2008

G'dye from WA, Perth (Part 5)

To sum this day up in one word, it would be

This time around, we wanted to truly experience the Australian life. Therefore, we took the bus instead of driving. (Actually cause there wasn't much parking at our destination)

In this little city of
Perth, they have shuttle buses completely free of charge. Funny thing though, they name this buses red cat, blue cat and etc ... you get the gist.

Train station along the way

After a change of 2 buses, we were finally at the jetty again. Where are we going this time ?
Why, we're going on a cruise trip.

Cruise along Swan River

We were an hour and a half early. So we had nothing to do but to sit around.

MsRedd snoozing

Finally, we got ourselves the tickets.

And boarded the M.V. Lady De Vine.

This time, we were smart enough to escape from being photographed by the blood-sucker. The last time we boarded the ferry to Rottnest, the photograph taken cost AUD 10 each. Which sums up to almost RM 30 !

Anyway, the Lady De Vine may look like any other ferry from the outside. But, in the inside, there is some certain touch of luxury to it.

The package we took includes a lunch buffet and free flow of soft drinks & wine ! Being the kiamsiap person as I am, of course I drank as much as I could.
I drank almost half a bottle of wine.

And I regretted it.

Clockwise: Cheryl, MsRedd, Malikuti, Jon, Kevin, Sue Yee and me

Soon, my face was blazing red, my body developed rashes and I started having headaches.

And then after the trip, the urge to puke consumed me. Ultimately, my head was burning with fever and I was forced to stay at the apartment the next day. Consequently, I missed Margaret River! Talk about being greedy.


The ultimate motive for traveling on the cruise was to visit the Swan Valley Winery.

In the wine cellar, there was a brief introduction on the various wine sold at the winery. After that, we were given the opportunity to taste an assortment of wines.

Do you know that they have chocolate flavored wines ? That's new, at least to me.

The trip back was pretty mundane and I fell asleep.

I was awoken by a sudden blast of music. I looked around to find one of the crew performing.

At first, I had actually thought that it's the radio broadcasting but in fact it was the crew performing live. Yes, her singing was really that good.

She sang a good few songs and ended the performance with 'La Bamba'.

The crowd even joined in. It was so wonderful.

Tune in for the last part of G'dye from WA, Perth.

4 footprints:

cr4zy/b3autiful said...

i saw someone drooling while sleeping wor...in da pictures...muahahahaha..how come u din join in the fun with the performers?? I know u are dying to join...Next time dun be malu malu kucing la....

Nurul Farhah said...

haha. the pictures show that you had alot of fun. coolness! (:

M00nie said...

oh cos i had a yummy dream about ur jake gylenhaal, zm! haha ! yea lo, i'm quite malu to join such performance ...

n farhah, thanks for ur comment !

Ms. Redd said...

i love snoozing under the sun and by the sea...lookin forward to the next godly snooze...