07 July, 2008

The borderline

There is a thin line between innocent sharing and an attempt to show off.

Let's say something really great happen to you one day and you feel so excited that you'd like to share it with your friends. Do you:

1) Hey, I got straight A's for SPM ;
My dad's getting me a new car !


2) Keep it to yourself

Choosing option 1 might result in your friends bitching behind your back: " That xxxxxx, such a blardy show-off, as if I'm interested to know. "

Indeed, sometimes and I admit it myself, we do brag about great things about ourselves in an attempt to impress our friends. Yet, other times, our intentions could be as innocent as to share our excitement and joy.

Such dilemma arises because actions could have many unspoken motivations. In such, there can be many interpretation of the very same action.

Perhaps I should learn to believe in the better sides of people.

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