07 October, 2008

A number of Thoughts

With every passing year, Christmas is becoming increasingly bleak. No longer is it attached with that magical feeling. Or is it that I'm getting older ? It's just that no one seems to be enthusiastic about Christmas anymore.

This coming Christmas, the only cousin that shares the same sentiments about Christmas as me would not be here. There you go, one less person for this Christmas gathering.

About this cousin (you know who you are), he is the only elder cousin that is ever willing to 'play' with the younger cousin. Yep, although I'm 22 this year, within the 10 (now 11) closer cousins of mine, I'm among the younger ones.

Whenever the elder cousins are going out, the younger cousins would NEVER get to go. I know how they feel, they didn't want to bring us 'kids' out. But this cousin of mine (though he is one of the elder ones), he would always bring us along. He would ask us out to movies, cook for us (he makes the best spaghetti bolognaise I've ever eaten), take us out for supper and makes it a tradition to watch every Harry Potter movie with me twice.

During my younger days, it has been a practice for us cousins to live at my granny's during the school holidays. Most of the time, my dad would not be able to fetch me there. Instead, this cousin of mine would come to pick me up. Sometimes, he would just come to get me and my sister to stay over with him just for the weekends. We would just enjoy each other's company and I get to use his computer. (That was the time I was super-addicted to Final Fantasy 8 and my home computer was too ancient for it)

So dear cousin, I hope you are reading this, THANK YOU for being such a wonderful cousin !


As we age, pride seems to play an integral part in the way we act. A child would never hesitate to proclaim his affections towards a person he likes and really mean it. However, adults are more reserved towards expressing their affections.

Perhaps the more we care for a person, the more we have to lose. The more we are afraid of being hurt, rejected, unappreciated and taken advantage of.

Maybe we need to be a little naive to be happy ?


Words of encouragement to myself:
Overcome your weaknesses, live life as you would judge yourself and not how others would judge you.

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